Top 5 Local Rank Tracker Tools (Tested & Reviewed)

Local rank trackers automate the process of tracking local search engine rankings. Allowing you to save time while getting more profound insights.

For example, Stratedia, a marketing agency, improved its clients’ results after investing in Semrush Local, a suite of local SEO tools.

This enabled Stratedia to strengthen its offerings, from listing management to improving clients’ local visibility. It also increased productivity, allowing the agency to take on more clients.

As a result, Stratedia increased its annual earnings by $50,000.

Whether you’re a small business owner or manage an agency, rank-tracking tools can help you achieve top positions in local search. Without adding more work to your day.

To help you choose the right tool, we reviewed the top five local rank trackers. Including standout features, pros and cons, and pricing.

Understanding Local Rank Tracking

Local rank-tracking tools analyze how well you’re performing in local search. Including what position your business appears in for various keywords. And your overall ranking.

Here’s why tracking local rankings is important:

  • Visibility: A local keyword tracker helps you understand how well your content ranks for certain keywords. Are you in the top 10 or 100, or not showing on Google at all? This insight is crucial for an effective local SEO strategy.
  • Target the right keywords: Local ranking data shows you which keywords drive visitors to your site. This information helps you focus your efforts on the terms that work best for your business or clients.
  • Track progress: When you track local rankings long-term, you can better measure success. And adjust your strategy as needed. Which can help you rank higher on Google and other search engines.

Criteria for Choosing a Local Rank Tracker

  • Reviews and star ratings: Does the tool have positive reviews and good star ratings (4+ out of 5) on reliable review platforms like G2 and Trustpilot?
  • Frequency of updates: Does the tool update your ranking data at least once a week to ensure you have the latest information?
  • Geographic specificity: Can the tool track rankings in your specific local area?
  • User interface and ease of use: Is the platform intuitive and easy to navigate, even for beginners with limited SEO experience?
  • Pricing and plans: Does the tool offer a pricing plan that fits your budget? And do these plans provide the features you need?

What’s the Best Local Rank Tracker?

Local Rank Tracker Best for Pricing
Semrush Tracking positions in Google Search for local keywords Semrush subscription: $129.95+ per month; Semrush Local $20+ per month, per location (limited free plan available)
BrightLocal Creating custom local rank reports $39+ per month; 14-day free trial
Local Falcon Scanning local rankings on Google and Apple Maps $24.99 per month; 100 credits for free to test the tool
SE Ranking Analyzing your local ranking distributions $62+ per month; 14-day free trial
RankCaddy Categorizing your local rankings by device and search type $19 per month; a 14-day free trial

1. Semrush

Best for tracking your positions in Google Search for local keywords

Semrush Local

Semrush offers a suite of tools to help improve your local SEO efforts. Including automated tracking of keyword positions to help improve your local rankings. You can also use Semrush Local as an add-on or separately, which offers additional tools to boost your local SEO efforts.

Track Your Keywords’ Daily Performance

Semrush’s Position Tracking tool tracks local keyword rankings on search engine results pages. And alerts you to daily fluctuations. The tool will also tell you if you get featured snippets.

Semrush’s AI assistant, Copilot, integrates with Position Tracking. Copilot analyzes your performance and provides insights and suggestions to help improve your local rankings.

To check your rankings, enter your website URL.

Semrush – Position Tracking

Then, add your location and target keywords.

Position Tracking – Add keywords

The tool will show you how many of your keywords rank in “Top 3,” “Top 10,” “Top 20,” and “Top 100” of search results. And your top keywords ranked by position.

Position Tracking – Rankings

The Position Tracking tool is included in a Semrush subscription. The free plan allows you to track up to 10 keywords, but you can choose a paid plan if you need more.

For example, if you run a small business with one location and need basic SEO, tracking 10 keywords might be enough. But if you have a blog and target many keywords, a paid plan might make more sense.

Another reason you might invest in a paid plan is if you run an agency and need to track rankings for multiple clients in various locations. A Semrush Pro plan lets you track your website’s position for 500 keywords.

Automate Google Business Profile Ranking Management

Semrush’s Listing Management tool makes optimizing your Google Business Profile (GBP) and tracking local keyword performance easy. The tool comes with a Semrush Local subscription, a tool suite specifically designed to help you manage your local presence.

Here’s how to use it:

Search your business in the Listing Management tool. Then, click “Continue setup.”

Semrush – Listing Management

Navigate to the “Local Rankings” tab.

Listing Management – Local Rankings

Select up to five local keywords you want to track. Like “seo services” and “internet marketing services.”

Once Semrush collects keyword data, you’ll see your GBP rankings and how they’ve changed over time. Use this insight to optimize your profile and improve your local rankings.

Listing Management – Local Finder Positions

Monitor Designated Local Areas for Specific Keywords

Map Rank Tracker, a heatmap tool, comes with a premium Semrush Local subscription. It lets you track your Google Maps rankings. And your competitors’ keyword performance.

The heatmap shows you your business’s rank distribution. Are prospects located in your immediate neighborhood, a few blocks away, or a completely different neighborhood?

To check your rankings heatmap, enter your business name or location.

Semrush – Map Rank Tracker

For example, let’s say you want to check local rankings for a bakery. Type the name in the search bar and select it from the drop-down.

Map Rank Tracker – Input business

Then click on the “Show keywords settings” field and add relevant keywords, like “bakery on Chicago street,” “custom cakes in Joliet,” and “Italian bakery near me.”

Map Rank Tracker – Add keywords

Next, click the “Show grid settings” to see grid options.

The grid divides the area you want to track into smaller sections. This allows you to check how your website ranks from different locations. Giving you detailed insights into where your business is most visible in local search results.

Map Rank Tracker – Configure grid

Select how often you want the tool to run the scan—weekly or monthly.

Finally, click “Create campaign” to start tracking your rankings.

Semrush will scan your location and keyword data. And tell you your average rank in search.

When people view your business listing on Google, Map Rank Tracker will show you where they’re located—down to the exact neighborhood. It also shows you where you stand compared to your competitors.

Map Rank Tracker – Features

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Position Tracking keeps you updated on daily keyword fluctuations automatically. Allowing you to stay on top of declines and identify high-performing keywords. Map Rank Tracker isn’t included in Semrush’s free plan—you’ll need to buy a premium Semrush Local subscription to use the feature.
Map Rank Tracker lets you customize your heatmap grid to understand how you rank in your preferred area.


Price: Semrush subscription starts at $129.95 per month. Semrush Local starts at $20 per month.

Semrush – Pricing

A Semrush subscription starts at $129.95 per month. It includes the Position Tracking tool and additional tools like Keyword Magic Tool and Organic Research. These tools allow you to identify your target keywords and analyze your competitors’ SEO strategies.

Semrush Local, which includes Listing Management and other tools, is available as an add-on or separately for $20 per month.

Access to Local Rank Tracker requires a Premium Semrush Local subscription, which is $40 per month.

2. BrightLocal

Best for creating custom local rank reports


BrightLocal provides tools to manage and grow your local business’s online presence. Easily track rankings for various keywords across search engines and maps.

BrightLocal also lets you create white-label local ranking reports for clients. Which helps agency owners maintain professionalism and brand identity.

Identify Local Keyword Opportunities

The Local Rank Tracker tool enables you to check your rankings across platforms like Google Search, Google Maps, and Bing.

This tool gives you customizable settings to limit rank tracking to search engines that matter the most to your business or clients.

For example, monitor Bing rankings. Or stick to Google rankings only.

BrightLocal – Rank Tracker – Settings

The tool sorts keywords by search volume. Including how many times the keyword is searched every month. This helps you identify your biggest opportunities and adjust your keyword strategy.

BrightLocal – Rank Tracker – Rankings

Learn Which Local Keywords Have the Highest Visibility

The Local Search Grid pinpoints where potential customers search for local businesses in each city or neighborhood.

This makes it easy to find out which keywords have the highest search visibility on the map. And those that need improvement.

BrightLocal – Local Search Grid

With Local Search Grid, you’ll see exactly where searchers are located. So you can target neighborhood-specific keywords or phrases that potential customers use.

This allows you to focus your advertising budget on locations where your target audience is actively searching. And maximize the value of your ad spend.

The tool also lets you perform competitive analysis. Check competitors’ average search rankings, overall ratings, and customer reviews. Then, compare your results to your local performance to identify strengths and areas for improvement.

BrightLocal – Overall Top Ranking

Create White-Label Local Ranking Reports

BrightLocal offers white-label SEO tools and reports that let you deliver comprehensive and professional insights to clients and prospects.

BrightLocal – White-Label Reporting

While performance reports are essential for all business owners, white labeling is a must for agency owners. It lets you apply your agency’s branding, like logo, colors, and contact information, so each report reflects your agency’s brand.

BrightLocal’s easy-to-digest graphs and tables help you keep clients updated on performance. Including SEO metrics and data. Such as keyword rankings, local search performance, backlink analysis, and competitive insights.

These metrics are crucial for demonstrating progress and highlighting areas for improvement.

Automatically deliver these reports weekly, monthly, or quarterly to save time and effort. Consistent reporting keeps clients engaged and informed about ongoing SEO efforts.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Local Rank Tracker and Local Search Grid automate rank tracking so you always know where you stand. The variety of tools can be overwhelming for local SEO beginners.
With Local Rank Tracker, you can white-label reports for your agency clients.


Price: Starts at $39 per month with a 14-day free trial

BrightLocal – Pricing

BrightLocal offers three pricing plans with a 14-day free trial:

  • Track: $39 per month. Track local rankings and monitor your Google Business Profile and website performance.
  • Manage: $49 per month. Everything in the Track plan, plus listing management tools like syncing business data across various platforms.
  • Grow: $59 per month. Everything in the Manage plan, plus review management tools like review generation campaigns.

3. Local Falcon

Best for scanning local rankings on Google and Apple Maps


Local Falcon scans search results. And reveals how your Google Business Profile ranks for certain keywords. Local Falcon also offers Apple Maps rankings.

See Your Average Positions in Local Search

The Map Scan tool scans the map from multiple points at varying distances from your business location. And shows your Google Business Profile rank in the Maps portion of organic search. Or right within Google or Apple Maps.

To run the scan, navigate to the “Run a Quick Scan” tab in the left-hand navigation menu. Then, open the “Choose a Business..” drop-down menu at the top of the screen to add your location and click “Search.”

LocalFalcon – Map Scan

Select the platform you want to scan—Google Maps or Apple Maps.

Map Scan – Select platform

Then, type in your business name and press “Search”. Click on it in the results.

Map Scan – Location results

Add the keywords you’d like to see your rankings for.

Map Scan – Enter keywords

Customize the grid size (e.g., 3×3, 5×5, etc.) and distance from your business for more accurate insights.

You’ll get scan reports for each keyword. This report shows you where you rank in local search using three key metrics:

  • ARP (average ranked position): Average position on Google SERP for your keyword and grid size. It excludes data points where you rank on positions 20 and lower.
  • ATRP (average total ranked position): Average position on Google SERP for your target keyword across all data points. Including those where you rank 20 and lower.
  • SoLV (share of local voice): Represents the number of data points where you rank within Google’s top three results for the keyword on your selected grid size
LocalFalcon – Scan Reports

Expand each report one by one to review the heatmap.

Scan Report – Details

Open the AI analysis to see the list of recommendations for improving your Google Maps rankings.

For example, Local Falcon will tell you if your GBP listing is missing a business description. And suggest adding scans for relevant keywords that you might have missed.

The competitor report shows you who’s competing for the same keyword. And how they rank compared to you.

LocalFalcon – Competitor report

Get AI Insights and Analysis to Improve Local Rankings

Local Falcon’s AI feature analyzes your local business’s online presence and provides suggestions.

To find this feature, navigate to Scan Reports and click the green icon.

LocalFalcon – AI Analysis

For example, it may tell you to widen your grid to ensure you get accurate ranking information. And alert you to a spammy or inactive listing that’s hurting your rankings.

LocalFalcon – AI Report

These recommendations help you identify areas of improvement. And take action to improve your online presence.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Local Falcon’s AI analysis helps you identify missing opportunities to rank higher in organic search. Features are limited to rank tracking only. You’ll need other tools to manage other aspects of local SEO (e.g., local keyword research, citation management, and reputation management).
The Map Scan tool shows you rankings for Google Maps and Apple Maps.


Price: Starts at $24.99 per month; Offers 100 free credits to test the tool

LocalFalcon – Pricing

Local Falcon offers four pricing plans:

  • Starter: $24.99 per month. Scan unlimited keywords and locations, choose your grid size, and schedule scans. Includes AI analysis.
  • Basic: $49.99 per month. Everything in Starter, plus Looker Studio connection and Zapier integration.
  • Pro: $99.99 per month. Everything in Basic, plus sales enablement.
  • Premium: $199.99 per month. Everything in Pro, plus white-label reports.

You’ll get 100 credits when you first sign up to Local Falcon. This is enough to test the tool by scanning your local rankings for two keywords.

4. SE Ranking

Best for analyzing your local ranking distributions

SE Ranking

SE Ranking offers two tools to track local rankings for small business owners and agencies. A free, basic rank tracking tool. And a more robust tool for local marketing. Allowing you to audit your local marketing efforts and manage your online reputation.

Analyze Your Local Search Rankings for Desktop and Mobile

SE Ranking’s Local Rank Tracker lets you check five keywords for free without creating an account. Learn how well your business ranks in local search. Including your visibility in Google Local Pack and mobile versus desktop SERP.

Enter your local business website and keywords in the tool to get results.

SE Ranking – Local rank tracker

The tool will show your ranking positions for each keyword. This way, you can identify your highest- and lowest-performing keywords. And adjust your local SEO strategy as needed.

SE Ranking – Ranking results

Set Up Tracking Points to See How Keywords Rank Across Locations

For more extensive ranking data, subscribe to SE Ranking to access its Local Marketing Tool.

Enter your keywords and locations to see your rankings across business locations.

The tool displays rankings by date. It also shows keyword dynamics. Which tells you whether your keyword rankings have increased or dropped.

SE Ranking – Local rankings report

Additionally, you’ll get comprehensive reports on Google Business Profile issues. For example, the tool catches incorrect company details across your listings and notifies you of them.

SE Ranking – Local marketing audit

The Local Marketing Tool provides additional insights. Like your ranking distributions across desktop and mobile devices. And Google Maps and Google Search.

SE Ranking – Insights

SE Ranking’s comprehensive dashboard breaks down your business’s reviews by sources and star ratings. This makes it easy to see if your rankings are helping—or hurting—your local presence.

SE Ranking – Dashboard

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
The free Local Rank Tracker tool provides basic ranking information for five keywords. Best for small businesses. SE Local Marketing Tool isn’t included in the free trial. You’ll need a paid membership to see your ranking insights.
Offers additional tools like Local Marketing Audit and Review Management. This helps you manage your local marketing in one place.


Price: Starts at $62 per month with a 14-day free trial

SE Ranking – Pricing

The Local Rank Tracker tool is free for up to five keywords.

You’ll need an SE Ranking subscription to use the Local Marketing Tool—but you’ll also have to pay an additional fee. An SE Ranking subscription includes the Local Rank Tracker, Backlink Checker, and other tools.

SE Ranking offers three plans:

  • Essential: $55 per month. Track your local rankings for 750 target keywords.
  • Pro: $109 per month. Track your local rankings for 2,000 target keywords.
  • Business: $239 per month. Track your local rankings for 5,000 target keywords.

All plans offer a 14-day free trial.

SE Local Marketing Tool is an optional add-on to your SE Ranking subscription:

  • 1 location: $7 per month
  • 5 locations: $29 per month
  • 10 locations: $48 per month
  • 50 locations: $181 per month

5. RankCaddy

Best for tracking your SERP features and finding new opportunities


RankCaddy is an SEO tool that helps you understand how your website performs in search results. It offers simple views and filtering options to help you analyze and digest your local business data.

Integrate data from Google Analytics and Google Search Console to get advanced insights into your rankings and website traffic.

Track Local Rankings by City or Street

Use RankCaddy’s Rank Tracking tool to analyze keyword performance. Add your website to get started.

RankCaddy – Create a Project

Then, select whether you want to track Google Maps rankings or Google organic search results. And select the city or street level for your local scan.

RankCaddy – Location & Language

Select all the relevant keywords you’d like to check your rankings for.

RankCaddy – Add keywords

Finally, you’ll get a report categorized by device (mobile or desktop) and type (organic or local).

RankCaddy – Report

When you open your preferred setting, like local rankings on mobile devices, you’ll see a detailed overview of your rankings. Like this:

RankCaddy – Keyword Report

The Rank Tracking tool shows your ranking position and keyword’s search volume.

These metrics help you identify opportunities and adjust your local SEO strategy to target higher-volume keywords, potentially reaching more people.

Identify SERP Feature Opportunities

RankCaddy also shows you if you have any SERP features. Like image, video, and Local Pack.

View this information by adding your keywords to the Rank Tracking tool. Check your report’s “Features” column to see which features you’ve won. And identify SERP feature opportunities that can increase your local business’s visibility and traffic.

Gray icons indicate SERP opportunities. Like image and Local Pack features. A red icon indicates features you’ve already won.

RankCaddy – SERP features

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Local Marketing Tool shows SERP features you already won and opportunities to help drive organic traffic. Takes a while to populate your rankings and keyword data.
Customize your Local Marketing Tool subscription based on keywords tracked per day. Best for agencies managing multiple client locations. SE Ranking offers only rank tracker tools. You’ll need to subscribe to other tools to manage other aspects of local SEO.


Price: Starts at $19 per month with a 14-day free trial

RankCaddy – Pricing

RankCaddy offers two pricing plans:

  • Pathfinder: $19 per month. Track your rankings for up to 250 keywords daily. Or purchase up to 1,000 keywords for up to $54 per month.
  • Pioneer: $45 per month. Track your rankings for up to 500 keywords daily. Or purchase up to 10,000 keywords for up to $385 per month.

Both plans include a 14-day free trial. The trial lets you track up to 500 keywords.

Ready to Invest in a Local Rank Tracker? Our Top 2 Picks

Local rank trackers automate the process of monitoring local business rankings. Whether it’s for your business or your client’s businesses.

These tools automatically alert you to fluctuations, provide suggestions to boost organic traffic, and identify valuable SERP opportunities—all without any work on your part.

Semrush’s Position Tracking tool is the best rank tracker. Thanks to its accurate tracking and intuitive user experience. With automatic alerts and AI insights, it simplifies the process of tracking and improving your rankings.

BrightLocal is a runner-up, with hyper-local SEO tools that excel in user-friendliness. It provides in-depth local rank tracking and competitor analysis specific to your local area.

No matter which tool you choose, understanding SEO is crucial to your success. Read our comprehensive guide on local SEO to learn how to rank in the top three results of Google Search.

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Si une disposition des conditions d'utilisation de base est jugée inapplicable ou invalide, cette disposition sera limitée ou éliminée dans la mesure minimale nécessaire pour que les conditions d'utilisation de base restent par ailleurs pleinement en vigueur et applicables. Le fait que l'une ou l'autre partie n'exerce pas, à quelque égard que ce soit, un droit prévu par les présentes ne sera pas considéré comme une renonciation à d'autres droits en vertu des présentes.   Sans limitation de nos autres droits ou recours en droit, en équité ou en vertu des présentes Conditions, nous pouvons résilier votre licence d'utilisation de ces Services, en totalité ou en partie, y compris votre droit d'utiliser tout Produit, sans fournir de remboursement ou annuler votre obligation d'effectuer des paiements échelonnés le cas échéant, si nous déterminons, à notre seule discrétion, que vous avez enfreint ou violé l'une des dispositions des présentes Conditions. Ceci inclut, sans s'y limiter, toute déclaration grossière, de harcèlement ou autre déclaration préjudiciable faite sur l'un des sites Web du Fournisseur et dirigée vers d'autres clients du Fournisseur. La responsabilité globale du fournisseur découlant de votre utilisation des services du fournisseur, toutes théories de responsabilité et toutes causes d'action confondues, ne dépassera en aucun cas le montant total des frais effectivement reçus par le fournisseur de votre part au cours des 6 mois précédant votre réclamation. Vous indemniserez et dégagerez le Fournisseur de toute responsabilité en cas de réclamation d'un tiers résultant de votre utilisation des services du Fournisseur ou liée à celle-ci. Le Fournisseur peut céder cet accord sans votre consentement, en totalité ou en partie, à sa seule discrétion. En continuant à utiliser le site, vous déclarez et garantissez que vous avez 18 ans ou plus.

Clause de non-responsabilité ne garantit pas les classements de recherche sur le Web. Les recommandations, le contenu et les services de conseil de sont destinés à améliorer votre classement dans les moteurs de recherche de manière organique. ne propose pas de backlinks pour votre site web. Respectez toujours les directives pertinentes des fournisseurs de moteurs de recherche lorsque vous faites des efforts pour améliorer le classement dans les moteurs de recherche. En général, vous devez éviter les pratiques considérées comme trompeuses ou abusives, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, le bourrage de mots clés, le cloaking, les redirections sournoises, le balisage trompeur, le contenu dupliqué, les pages d'entrée, l'achat de liens ou le spamming de sites de réseaux sociaux.
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